This morning was a bear. Chose to go to bed later last night, knowing it would be rough getting up this morning. It was. Under the covers, warm and not ready to get up, the alarm goes off. Every morning it's the same. I contemplate sleeping an extra hour, knowing I won't any better if I do sleep in or I can get up, get dressed and work out. Some days are easier than others. This one was particularly tough.
I got out of bed, put on my workout clothes and fed the dogs. I knew my workout would take about an hour and I went into the living room, put the DVD in the machine and then, laid down on the couch. I laid there with my eyes closed, not wanting to move. My lower back ached, head was slightly congested and I couldn't convince myself that working out would make me feel better.
But I knew it would.
I eventually dragged my lazy ass off the couch 15 minutes later and started the warm up. Tony, as always, was as cheerful and full of energy as ever. His team ready to "bring it" for Legs and Back - today's workout session.
I was groggy, but I still went through the motions of the warm-up telling myself I'd at least get through the warm-up After that, at least I'd tried and I could quit then. After finishing the warm-up, I decided to try the first exercise and after finishing that, again, I gave myself permission to quit.
But I didn't.
I kept going and going and going. After 30 minutes, I thought I'd stop again, but just kept going. I'm convinced had I not had the DVD and had I not followed the routine, I would have stopped. No doubt about it. But because they kept going, I was sweating and feeling it, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, I kept going. And you know what? I finished.
And now I feel great.
I can't explain it. At no point during the workout, did I think I would feel better afterwards than before I began. But I do. I should know this by now because it happens just about every time. I always feel better after a workout than before I started. Let me repeat that. I always feel better after a workout than before I started. That's huge. I don't know exactly why it happens, but it always does. Physical? Probably. Psychological? Definitely. Emotional. Sure. Why not? I've read study after study documenting why this happens, but am still always surprised when it really happens to me. And it's not just by a little bit either. The difference between how I feel before a workout and afterwards is noticeable.
So, if you're laying in bed or thinking about sitting on the couch or easy chair instead of when you normally workout, remind yourself of how great you're going to feel afterwards. It's a fantastic feeling that makes your day that much better.
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